
You'll find many unique extension from sitesplat army that I'm proud to be part of.
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Sun Aug 11, 2019 9:05 am

A Kick-ass Chat for phpBB! Finally a TRUE REAL time chat that can actually support thousands of users chatting at the same time thanks to a modern API, Pure JavaScript frameworks and modular addons.
A true REAL time chat with a standalone DOM system thanks to VUE.js ( Forget about what you knew about phpBB chats and what was even possible until now.
BBchat is what you always wanted when you were looking for a chat for you forum. Period.

Features overview:
-0 server resource usage (well almost :-) ) - allows TONS of users online at the same time with no server impact. (Yes you read that correctly. This means shared hosting can finally run a kick-ass chat)
-Private rooms (yes for REAL, do what you want go nuts, Admins and Global mods rooms, Custom groups and more with super simple setup with the permission system)
-super granular permissions (for attachments, delete messages and more )
-REAL REAL time chat activity, user status and more (yes I typed that twice and uppercase)
-Widget chat for private chat with friends (Admin can also chat with ALL users of the board 1 on 1)
-Attachments system
-Easy to customize with built-in Chat cover and room covers and room images upload
-Real time Topic alerts system with custom chat bot avatar and name
-Real time timestamps
-2 types of chat messages style built-in (Bubble whatsapp style or message list style)
-User typing indicators (to see who's typing in real-time)
-Fast and real time Ban system
-Room based announcements system
-Global announcement system
-Giphy ( ) integration. (just enter the API key and you are ready to go nuts with gifs :-) )
-Supports for premium extensions listed below
-Room re-order and many options like custom css classes room images, description etc etc for a super fine tuned customization that suits your liking :-)
-Custom sounds (comes with many default sounds) for messages sent and received
-UCP options for user to also define their own sounds
-Many cool user features like Pin room, mute/unmute sounds, adjust chat dimensions and more
-Many more to even fit here! :-)
-Supports both BBOOTS and FLATBOOTS

Premium Addon support built-in:
Support of selected premium addons to truly enjoy a beautiful modern chat.
Install these addons to have them working right away with BBchat!


The premium addons are to be purchased separately.
If you already purchased them, make sure they are updated to the latest release and they will automatically work with BBchat. Simple as that :-)
These addons are a must have for BBchat to truly enjoy a modern system with a flow that will feel natural and intuitive for your users. This is my recommendation.
Of course you can still enjoy BBchat with no-premium addons, but let me say you are truly missing out its true potential in that case.
If you can't add money to the shop, send me a PM asking for direct link.
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