
You'll find many unique extension from sitesplat army that I'm proud to be part of.
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Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:41 am

Thu Jan 26, 2017 3:22 pm

This ext enables a Ajax Like/Dislike system within the posts. This allows your members to "up-vote"(like) and "down-vote"(dislike) a post. This not only allows you to quickly identify "valued" replies but also a better visual way for identifying good content and makes it more personal by leaving your name in the "like" list.

It works in the same manner as a "like" system often seen on social networking sites, for example two popular like systems used on YouTube and Facebook.

Main Features:

-Extremely Light in server usage and can be used even for shared host accounts
-Enable/Disable dislike button/function
-Configurable Minimum dislikes hides posts (custom message definable)
-like/dislike post buttons color + custom color definable
-like/dislike post buttons icons (choose between 500+ icons from FontAwesome)
-Simple stats counter in members public profile page
-Last "Likers" badge style in posts with a clickable link that opens a bootstrap modal with the current likers. (Ajax Modal Pagination for long list)
-Likers single statistic page with topics, users and likes/dislikes with advanced chart system
-UCP profile page with recent likes/dislikes activity
-Flood time system
-Enable/disable like/dislike for topic Announcement and Locked status
-Integration for the new Extension BBAward system
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