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Item information
- This item can be used ∞ times
- This item has no expiration date
- This item can not be refunded
Item creation time
Sat May 20, 2023 7:45 pm
Item edit time
Sat May 20, 2023 8:29 pm
Item description
WP-Fansub is an Wordpress Plugin which allows you to manage fansub projects in a very intuitive way.
So, what should you expect from this plugin ?
So, what should you expect from this plugin ?
- You can add Projects Info.
- You can add Releases.
- You can manage fansub projects and releases.
- You can easily provide DDL, Torrent and XDCC Links.
- You can add XDCC Bots, and manage them.
- You can associate your Nyaa account.
- You can scrape data from Nyaa and XDCC bots.
- Widget for releases, you can display them in sidebar.
- Ability to attach release(s) to a post.
Item images