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Topic Statistics
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Item information
- This item can be used ∞ times
- This item has no expiration date
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Item creation time
Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:36 pm
Item edit time
Thu Jun 23, 2022 11:12 am
Item description
phpBB extension based on this 3.0 MOD: ... tatistics/
This Ext adds a block to the topic page including views, followers and bookmarks, optionally also display followers users and bookmarks users.
Note: There is some extra options at the main_listener.php on line 294 that could be configured, the old MOD didnt had those options, so I added an easy way to have them.
This version is compatible with phpBB 3.2.2+ and it works on 3.3.x
v.1.0.2 *NEW*
This Ext adds a block to the topic page including views, followers and bookmarks, optionally also display followers users and bookmarks users.
Note: There is some extra options at the main_listener.php on line 294 that could be configured, the old MOD didnt had those options, so I added an easy way to have them.
This version is compatible with phpBB 3.2.2+ and it works on 3.3.x
v.1.0.2 *NEW*
- Added user limit value to ACP (It was hardcoded as 1000 before)
- Added user profile link enable as a choice at ACP (It was hardcoded as true before)
- Added forums_display_statistics, forums_display_visit, forums_display_followers and forums_display_followers_users variables to the ACP (it was hardcoded as true before)
- Added avatar options to forum and topics statistics
- Added + symbol if user limit is reached on bookmarks or followers, so it will appear 1000+
- BBOOTS Support
- Added Portuguese Translation
- Added Portuguese PreAO Translation
- Added Brazilian Portuguese Translation
- Initial Release
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