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Item title
Guest Email Notifications
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Item information
- This item can be used ∞ times
- This item has no expiration date
- This item can not be refunded
Item creation time
Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:13 pm
Item edit time
Sun Jul 26, 2020 5:57 pm
Item description
This extension was based on the concept (not on the code) of this old MOD : [ABD] Guest Posting Requires E-mail (0.0.5)
It was written from scratch so some features changed according what I think is best.
1.0.6 - RC Release
It was written from scratch so some features changed according what I think is best.
- Checkbox to guests for enabling notification
- If checkbox is checked, guest are required to fill the E-mail address
- The username is still optional but it will be hidden by default, making it more clean for the guest
- Only administrators and moderators can see guest e-mails
- Guest username and e-mail are saved/remind in the next posting
- The guest will ofcourse receive a notification in someone reply to their subscribed topic
- If the message needs approval, the email will only be send after approval
- The email have an unsubscribe link that will show all subscribed topics and the ability to unsubscribe each one or all of them
- It will check and deny the guest to use an email already associated with an registered account
- It will check and deny if the guest try to use an email already associated to a different username
1.0.6 - RC Release
- Added Flatboots Compatibility
- Added BBoots Compatibility
- Fixed error when posting in a topic without guest subscriptions
- Only send notification if guest has at least one approve post in the topic
- Auto-check checkbox if guest is already subscribed to the topic
- Definitely fix sending notifications when approving posts
- Add button 'Unsubscribe from all topics'
- Hide button 'Unsubscribe from all topics' if there is only one subscription
- Exclude guest poster from notifications on post approval
- Only send 1 email until guest visits topic again
- Improve display of links of unapproved topics on Unsubscribe page
- Fix sending notifications when approving posts
- Fix post link in notification email
- Add forum name, forum link and topic link to Unsubscribe page
- Send notifications only after posts are approved
- Delete subscriptions when topics are deleted
- Initial release
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