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Precise Similar Topics: Extras

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Item creation time
Sat May 21, 2022 9:30 pm
Item edit time
Sat May 21, 2022 9:30 pm
Item description
So... We all know this awesome extension made by VSE: ... ar_topics/

But there is some caveats when we've others extensions as BBEmoji and / or BBPrefix installed. It is not compatible with it.

I am releasing an Extension that will be an addon and will add Emojis and Prefixes to the Similar Topics block. :D

I can add more things like BBTags, BBAvatars and BBPreview, but I'll need Clients to invest at least 50$ so I can move forward with this.

1.0.0: 1.0.1 *Future Release*
NOTE: At the moment you need to make 1 simple edit on BBEmoji to make Topic Icons to work on Similar Topics.
Open: sitesplat/bbemoji/event/listener.php
FIND: private $icons;
REPLACE WITH: public $icons;

That's it! I will talk with Sitesplat to see if we can improve BBEmoji to be more friendly to other extensions. So, luckely in a future version no edits are needed.

Another thing... on VSE Precise Similar Extension you need to use the styles that are present on the vse_styles folder of this extension.

If you've made many changes to those styles you have two easier options:
A: Add the missing event "{% EVENT topiclist_row_topic_title_before %}" on your style, before the Title
B: Rename /similartopicsextras/styles/all/template/event/topiclist_row_topic_title_before.html to topiclist_row_prepend.html (But you can have extra spaces with this approach)
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